These images are a construction and I would argue that most blokes are. It's not all bad, this masculine culture that has developed into our Australian way of life, but it needs to be talked about and should be allowed to be fluid. 


It's pretty rough being a bloke these days, I reckon. 

We are told to ‘be a man’, to ‘man up’, but what does this mean and how do we achieve these seemingly undefinable standards? This body of work aims to discuss some of these themes. The blokes on the wall are a mixture of beautiful people, uniforms, and ‘staches. While these good-looking roosters seem aesthetically pleasing they aren’t perfect, some are damaged and most are incomplete.

These images are a construction and I would argue that most blokes are. It's not all bad, this masculine culture that has developed into our Australian way of life, but it needs to be talked about and should be allowed to be fluid.